Dr. Wrenn’s full list of essays is available here.
The Animal Sentience Bill and Animal Nationalism in Post-Brexit Britain
Are Vegans too Open to Free-Riders?
Banning Live Export in Australia
Can a Meat Tax Advance Animal Rights?
Can Flexitarianism Facilitate a Vegan World? Research Suggests Another Agenda
Can Veganism Save Your Life? I’m Skeptical
Can Veganism Save the World? This is Hope
Can We “Have Our Cow and Eat Her, Too?”
Could Fat-Shaming and Health-Shaming Encourage Veganism?
Derren Does Dairy: When Skepticism Fails Veganism
The Extraordinary Monks of Skellig Michael and the Human/Nonhuman Boundary in Early Ireland
Eating Vegan vs. Being Vegan: The Vegan Society and Depoliticized Capitalist Campaigning
Fat Vegan Politics: Why Health-Shaming, Body-Policing, and Fat Stigma Hurts Humans and Other Animals
Grill Power: Feminism in Men’s Meat Market
How Dawn Saves Wildlife While Killing Other Animals En Masse
How Do I Positively Engage My Non-Vegan Family?
How Effective is the Vegan Lecture? Exam Scores Tell a Horrifying Story
If You Care about Animals, In-Vitro Meat is Not the Answer
Irish Car Bombs aren’t Cruelty-Free, but Not for the Reasons You Would Expect
Is Sociology Ready to Take Animals Seriously Now?
PETA & Papa John’s Team Up Against Animals
Plant-based Catering at the University of Kent
Mainstreaming Veganism: Full Interview with Imagine5
Nearly 1,000 Academics & Professionals in Support of Plant-based Universities
New Package, Same Old Problem: Animal Crackers and Veganism
Save the Lambs! Why I Reject Antioch College’s Lethal Lamb-killing Classroom ‘Experiment’
Selling Cancer to Beat Cancer? When Nonvegan Foods Go Pink for Profit
Sexism in Animal Advocacy: The Case of Foie Gras
Ten Years Later, Veganism More Popular, but Less Political
The “Deserted Island” Vegan Scenario is a Reality for Millions
The Only Vegan in the Department: Science, Anti-Veganism, and the Illusion of Objectivity
The Problem with Milk Not Jails
The Surprising History of John Harvey Kellogg and His War on “Meat”
The Thug Kitchen Cookbook and the Problem of Vegan Blackface
Unnecessarily Gendered Vegan Food
V-Rated: Sexualization as a Mechanism of Food Justice Depoliticization
Vegan Halloween: Remembering the Dead
Veganism and the Problem of Cultural Diversity
Vegan Sausage Rolls are Resisting the Brexit
Why are Environmentalists and Animal Activists at an Empasse?
Why Food Justice is a Feminist Issue
Why Vegans Don’t Wear “Leather”
You Won’t Believe This Shocking Whole Foods “Healthcare” Policy
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