
Dr. Wrenn’s full list of publications is available here.


Wrenn, C. L. 2021. Animals in Irish Society: Interspecies Oppression and Vegan Liberation in Ireland’s First Colony. New York: SUNY Press.

Wrenn, C. L. 2019. Piecemeal Protest: Animal Rights in the Age of Nonprofits. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press. DOI: 10.3998/mpub.11301441.

Wrenn, C. L.  2016.  A Rational Approach to Animal Rights:  Extensions in Abolitionist Theory.  London, UK:  Palgrave Macmillan. DOI: 10.1057/9781137434654.

Book Chapters

Wrenn, C. L. 2015. “Human Supremacy, Post-Speciesist Ideology, and the Case for Anti-Colonialist Veganism.” Pp. 55-70, in Animals in Human Society, edited by D. L. Moorehead.  Lanham, MD:  University Press of America/Hamilton Books.

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Wrenn, C. L. 2020. “Free-Riders in the Nonprofit Industrial Complex: The Problem of Flexitarianism.” Society & Animals 26 (4): 567-591. DOI: 10.1163/15685306-12341544.

Wrenn, C. L. 2018. “How to Help When It Hurts? Think Systemic.” Animal Studies Journal 7 (1): 149-179.

Wrenn, C. L.  2014.  “Abolition Then and Now:  Tactical Comparisons between the Human Rights Movement and the Modern Nonhuman Animal Rights Movement in the United States.”  Journal of Agriculture & Environmental Ethics 27 (2): 177-200. DOI: 10.1007/s10806-013-9458-7.

Wrenn, C. L.  2013.  “Nonhuman Animal Rights, Alternative Food Systems, and the Non-Profit Industrial Complex.”  Phaenex:  Journal of Existential and Phenomenological Theory and Culture 8 (2):  209-242. DOI: 10.22329/p.v8i2.4093.

Wrenn, C. L. and R. Johnson.  2013.  “A Critique of Single-Issue Campaigning and the Importance of Comprehensive Abolitionist Vegan Advocacy.”  Food, Culture & Society 16 (4):  651-668.DOI: 10.2752/175174413X13758634982092.

Wrenn, C. L.  2013.  “Resonance of Moral Shocks in Abolitionist Animal Rights Advocacy:  Overcoming Contextual Constraints.” Society & Animals 21 (4):  379-394. DOI: 10.1163/15685306-12341271.

Wrenn, C. L.  2012.  “Applying Social Movement Theory to Nonhuman Rights Mobilization and the Importance of Faction Hierarchies.”  Peace Studies Journal 5 (3):  27-44.

Wrenn, C. L.  2012.  “The Abolitionist Approach:  Critical Comparisons and Challenges within the Animal Rights Movement.”  Interface:  A Journal for and about Social Movements 4 (2):  438-458.

Wrenn, C. L.  2011.  “Resisting the Globalization of Speciesism:  Vegan Abolitionism as a Site for Consumer-Based Social Change.”  Journal for Critical Animal Studies 9(3):  9-27.


Wrenn, C. L. 2016. Professionalization, Factionalism, and Social Movement Success:  A Case Study on Nonhuman Animal Rights Mobilization (Doctoral dissertation). Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO.


Wrenn, C. L. 2021. “Charities, Computers, and Capitalism: How Animal Rights Entered Its Third Wave and What the Future Holds.” Animal Futures: Animal Rights in Academia and Activism. Estonian Vegan Society, Online. May 8.

Wrenn, C. L. 2021. “What is Vegan Sociology?.” Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage Seminar Series. Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Online. April 9.

Wrenn, C. L. 2019. “Big Animal Rights.European Association for Critical Animal Studies. Barcelona, Spain. May 24.


Wrenn, C. L. 2024. “Opinion Piece.” Research Briefing, No. 2 Cultured Meat. The Vegan Society, November.

Wrenn, C. L. 2023. “Can We ‘Have Our Cow and Eat Her, Too?’” The Vegan Society, Research News, April 17.

Wrenn, C. L. 2022. “Opinion: The Animal Sentience Bill and Animal Nationalism in Post-Brexit BritainThe Vegan Society Research News, March 3.

Wrenn, C. L. 2021. “Animal Sentience Bill – A Marketing Ploy or Genuine Progress?University of Kent News Centre, May 13.

Wrenn, C. L. 2020. “‘Pets Should Not Be Kept by Humans.University of Kent News Centre, February 6.

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