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Text-based Media

Langkjær-Bain, R. 2024. “How the World Stopped Making Fun of Vegans – and What Happened Next.” Imagine5, February.

Ryu, J. 2021. “PETA’s ‘Human’ Leather Campaign is Horrifying. But Is It Effective?USA Today.

Beckoff, M. 2021. “Animals in Irish Society, Anti-Speciesism, and Globalization.” Psychology Today.

British Sociological Association. 2021. “International Vegan Group is Launched.” Networks Spring: 9.

Taperson, K. 2021. “The Third Wave of Animal Rights.” SIRP Estonia News.

McJetters, C. 2021. “Milk March: The Unspoken Symbolism of One UK MP’s Milk Protest.” Euro News.

McJetters, C. 2020. “Why Are Black Protestors Being Accused of Abusing Animals?.” Sentient Media.

Argent, G. 2020. Animals & Society Institute June newsletter.

Riordan, C. 2020. “Book Release Q & A.” American Sociological Association Animals & Society Section Newsletter.

Trueman, T. 2020. “Human-Animal Studies Group.” British Sociologial Association Network.

Kandel, I. 2020. “Vegan Feminism and the Critical Role of Education. Interview with Corey L. Wrenn.” The Vegan Rainbow Project.

McGriskin, S. 2020. “Animal Rights Activists Say Animals Should Be Called ‘Equals’ Instead of ‘Pets’.” The Post Millenial.

Allen, V. 2020. “Call Your Animal a ‘Companion’ Instead of a Pet.The Daily Mail.

Streeter, S. 2020. “Ireland: The Land of Meat, Dairy, And…Vegans? Faunalytics.

Messer, O. 2019. “Vegan Professor at War With College to Save 9 Baby Lambs From Slaughter.Daily Beast.

Faunalytics. 2019 “Atheism and Veganism.Faunalytics.

Nalon, E. 2018. “‘Out of Sight, Out of Mind’ Prevails When It Comes to Farmed Animal Suffering. Faunalytics.

Chernick, K. 2018. “These Vegans Really Believe Animal Crackers are ‘Problematic.'” Vice Magazine.

Lashbrook, A. 2018. “A Sociologist Finds Vegans Are Too Open to ‘Free Riders’.” The Atlantic.

Rogers, O. 2018. “Caring for Carnivores in Sanctuaries.” Faunalytics.

Faunalytics. 2018. “‘Trump Veganism’: Motivations And Identity.Faunalytics.

Kravitz, M. 2018. “Here’s Why Our Food Systems are a Central Feminist Issue.Alternet.

Dervish-O’Kane, R. 2018. “Is This What a Vegan Looks Like?Women’s Health Magazine June: 118-123.

Faunalytics. 2017. “The Sexual Objectification of Women in the Vegan Movement.” Faunalytics.

Faunalytics. 2016. “Diversity in Animal Advocacy Media.” Faunalytics.

Weiss, L. 2016. “New Jersey Vegan Feminist.” Rawthencity.

Cross, A. 2014. “Why are Women Treated as Meat in Those Animal Rights Ads?VITAMIN W.

Green, C. 2014. “Too Much Choice is a Bad Thing.” Faunalytics.

The Huffington Post. 2013. “Cat Memes From The Suffrage Movement Show That History Does Repeat Itself.” Huff Post Women.

VegFund. 2013. “March/April 2013 Volunteer Spotlight: Corey Wrenn.” VegFund Blog.

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