Media Representations

Dr. Wrenn’s full list of publications is available here.


Wrenn, C. L. 2021. Animals in Irish Society: Interspecies Oppression and Vegan Liberation in Ireland’s First Colony. New York: SUNY Press.

Wrenn, C. L. 2019. Piecemeal Protest: Animal Rights in the Age of Nonprofits. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press. DOI: 10.3998/mpub.11301441.

Wrenn, C. L.  2016.  A Rational Approach to Animal Rights:  Extensions in Abolitionist Theory.  London, UK:  Palgrave Macmillan. DOI: 10.1057/9781137434654.

Book Chapters

Wrenn, C. L. 2024. “Sexism in Animal Activism: The Foie Gras Campaigns.” Pp. 563-576, in The Routledge Companion to Gender and Animals, C. Taylor (ed.). London: Routledge.

Wrenn, C. L. 2022. “Society Writings.” Pp. 333-348, in The Edinburgh Companion to Vegan Literary Studies, L Wright and E. Quinn (Eds.). Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh Press.

Wrenn, C. L. 2017. “Toward a Vegan Feminist Theory of the State.” Pp. 201-230, in Animal Oppression and Capitalism, edited by D. Nibert. Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger Press.

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Wrenn, C. L. 2023. “Animalizing Appalachia: A Critical Animal Studies Analysis of Early Sociological Surveys of Southern Appalachia.” Journal of Appalachian Studies 29 (2): 145–165. DOI: 10.5406/23288612.29.2.02.

Wrenn, C. L. 2023. “Shocked or Satiated? Graphic Imagery and Persistent Commitment in Animal Rights Activism.” Emotions: History, Culture, Society, 7. Online first. DOI: 10.1163/2208522X-bja10045.

Wrenn, C. L. 2020. “Discriminating Spirits: Cultural Source Theory and the
Human-Nonhuman Boundary
Mortality 25 (3): 348-363. DOI: 10.1080/13576275.2019.1622519.

Wrenn, C. L. 2018. “Pussy Grabs Back. Bestialized Sexual Politics and the Intersectional Failure in the Protest Posters for the 2017 Women’s March.” Feminist Media Studies 19 (6): 803-821. DOI: 10.1080/14680777.2018.1465107.

Wrenn, C. L. and M. Lutz. 2016. “White Women Wanted?  An Analysis of Gender Diversity in Social Justice Magazines.” Societies 6 (2): 1-18. DOI: 10.3390/soc6020012.

Wrenn C. L. 2016 “An Analysis of Diversity in Nonhuman Animal Rights Media.” Journal for Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 29 (2): 143-165. DOI: 10.1007/s10806-015-9593-4.

Wrenn, C. L., J. Clark, M. Judge, K. Gilchrist, D. Woodlock, K. Dotson, R. Spanos, and J. Wrenn.  2015.  “The Medicalization of Nonhuman Animal Rights: Frame Contestation and the Exploitation of Disability.” Disability & Society 30 (9): 1307-1327. DOI: 10.1080/09687599.2015.1099518.

Wrenn, C. L.  2014.  “Fifty Shades of Oppression:  Unexamined Sexualized Violence against Women and Other Animals.”  Relations:  Beyond Anthropocentrism 2 (1):  135-139.

Wrenn, C. L.  2013.  “Resonance of Moral Shocks in Abolitionist Animal Rights Advocacy:  Overcoming Contextual Constraints.” Society & Animals 21 (4):  379-394. DOI: 10.1163/15685306-12341271.

Book Reviews

Wrenn, C. L. 2017. “The New Sociology of Species and Media: A Review.” Media, Culture & Society 40 (2): 307-310. DOI: 10.1177/0163443717706072.


Wrenn, C. L. 2016. Professionalization, Factionalism, and Social Movement Success:  A Case Study on Nonhuman Animal Rights Mobilization (Doctoral dissertation). Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO.

Wrenn, C. L.  2008.  Powerlessness and Pollution in Alleghany County, Virginia:  A Historical Analysis of Paternalism and Economic Coercion in Appalachia and its Relationship with Environmental Degradation (Master’s thesis).  Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA.

Conference Presentations

Wrenn, C. L. 2022. “Selling Veganism in the Age of COVID: Vegan Representation in British Newspapers in 2020.” 2022. International Association of Vegan Sociologists Annual Meeting. October 8.

Wrenn, C. L. 2022. “Animals in Irish Society.” Vegan Studies Network Seminar Series. May 25.

Wrenn, C. L. 2022. “Gaelic Vegetarianism and Veganism & Colonial Resistance.” Food History Seminar Series, Institute of Historical Research, Online. February 10.

Wrenn, C. L. 2022. “Gaelic Veganism and Irish Animal Rights.” Talks for a Compassionate Future, Animal Rebellion Ireland, Online. January 18.

Wrenn, C. L. 2021. “Shocked or Satiated? How Long-term Activists Manage Moral Shocks Beyond the Recruitment Stage.” American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Online. August 7.

Wrenn, C. L. 2021. “V-Rated: Sexualization as a Mechanism of Food Justice Depoliticization.” Food & Food Systems in a time of Insecurity. British Sociological Association Food Study Group Conference, Online. June 22.

Wrenn, C. L. 2019. “Resisting Rape Culture in Animal Rights Activism.Kent Vegan Festival. Canterbury, UK. May 4.

Wrenn, C. L. 2019. “Animal Spirits and their Gendered Earthly Remains: Summoning Masculinity and
Femininity Norms in the Human-Nonhuman Relations of Ghost Stories.
Animal Remains. Sheffield, UK. April 29.

Wrenn, C. L. 2018. “Discriminating Spirits: Animals in Ghost Stories and the Human-Nonhuman Boundary.Animals and Us: Research, Policy, and Practice. Windsor, ON. October 13.

Wrenn, C. L. 2018. “The Land of Meat and Potatoes? Animal Agriculture and Veganism in the Irish Discourse.Thinking about Animals. St. Catharines, ON. March 2.

Wrenn, C. L. 2014. “Demographic Representations in Nonhuman Animal Rights Magazines and the Implications for Mobilization Efforts and Diversity.American Sociological Association Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA. August 17.

Wrenn, C. L. 2012. “Resonance of Moral Shocks in Abolitionist Animal Rights Advocacy: Overcoming Contextual Constraints.American Sociological Association Annual Meeting. Denver, CO. August 20.


Wrenn, C. L. 2023. “Shocked or Satiated? Violent Imagery Traumatizes Rather than Motivates Veteran Activists.” The Vegan Society, Research News, October 26.

Wrenn, C. L. 2019. “Ghost Stories Tell Us a Lot about Animals in Human SocietyAmerican Sociological Association Animals & Society Section Newsletter, Autumn.

Wrenn, C. L. 2017. “The Disney Nonhuman Princesses.” Sex and Gender News Fall (November): 9-10.

Wrenn, C. L. 2013. “The Sexual Politics of Veganism.” Pacific Standard.

Wrenn, C. L. 2013. “The Sexual Politics of Veganism.” Sociological Images.

Wrenn, C. L. 2013. “The Original Cat Ladies.” Pacific Standard.

Wrenn, C. L. 2013. “Suffragette Cats are the Original Cat Ladies.” Jezebel.

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